13 Facts About Animals Sparks Your Feelings

cute fun facts about animals

The animal world is full of surprises that are likely to trigger your feelings when you hear them, and this world is full of plant and animal diversity, and as animals struggle not to be prone to hunger, they develop a defense mechanism against those who want to prey on them or hunt them.

Turkey's "webtekno" presents an article in which some sad facts mentioned by article writer Gorhan Kolakli about animals, may help to identify and better understand them as our partner in this world.

1- If cats do not like their food, they may starve to death

When we provide a meal for cats, you must be sure that they ate them, their young -In particular - it can be very selective about what you eat, cats are looking for different kinds of prey based on their sense of taste, while cats living in the house may refuse the food provided to them and look for new food, and this death is preferred starvation in case they do not find new food.

13 Facts About Animals Sparks Your Feelings
13 Facts About Animals Spark Your Feelings

So you need to make sure what kind of food is her favorite, have you ever asked yourself what those cats want for her?

2- Suicidal dogs

Human beings caused so much harm to animals, the former Soviet Union caused one such damage, in the Second World War, planting mines on dogs' bodies and then sending them to blow them up, where these trained dogs believed they would find food at the bottom of the tanks, and when they arrived in those areas, they would, of course, explode and cause tanks to explode.

3. Cows have “best friends.”

Cows with stronger social bonds than we think to choose their "best friend", and when these close friends leave, they experience an increase in heart rhythm as a sign of stress.

Did you know that cows have all that sincerity?, Recent studies suggest cows have strong social bonds and choose their "best friend". When these close friends leave, she suffers an increase in heart rhythm as a sign of stress. Experts note that these social linkages help improve the health and behavior of cows, resulting in increased farm productivity.

Cows have “best friends

Cows have “best friends

Some farmers point out that they notice significant differences in the behavior of cows with close friendships, where they are quieter and friendly to each other.

4- A chemical in chocolate kills dogs

Most dog breeders know that chocolate causes harm to dogs. So why?

  • Caffeine in chocolate is a deadly or at least pathogenic chemical in dogs. So, don't forget that the coffee you drink also poses a great risk to it.
  • Scientific studies warn of the dangers of eating chocolate and coffee on dogs, as these products contain caffeine that is poisonous to dogs. Consuming a large amount of chocolate or coffee increases the caffeine in the dog's body, resulting in symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, and an increase in heart rhythm, and in the event of medical non-intervention quickly this may lead to death. So animal owners should avoid feeding their dogs any products containing caffeine, and in case of any symptoms, they should immediately go to a veterinarian for the necessary procedure.

5- Cats purr to deflect tension

According to research, cats can purr to stimulate their muscles and bones and relax. Purring can also help improve mood, which is close to the feeling that humans feel when meditating. In addition, cats may choose to purr to indicate that they are in a good mood.

6. Cougars (puma) cannot roar

Although cougars are wild cats, they cannot roar like lions, tigers, and other wildcats. This type of cat makes a purring similar to that of a house cat, that is, the sound of a cougar is no longer a boiler relative to its size.

7. Hippo sweat, blood-like liquid

The transparent material produced by hippo skin gradually turns brown through red and orange first. This animal, which needs to maintain its skin moisture, can meet its needs for bacterial protection, sunlight prevention, hydration, and sterilization through this liquid.

8. Young foxes cannot see or walk when they are born

When a female fox gives birth, her young have no sense of hearing or sight and cannot walk. During this period, the male foxes go out to fish for their family, while the little ones stay in the burrows of the mothers that breastfeed them for several weeks, after which they strengthen thanks to the mother's milk, recover these senses and start walking, and the mother can provide milk for her cubs for about 8 weeks.

9. Elephants' pregnancy is close to two years

Elephants are animals that have the longest pregnancy lasting from 640 to 660 days. There is also a period of 4 to 5 years between the births of the female elephant. In addition, the average weight of a newborn elephant is 113 kilograms.

10- Cats do not feel the sweet taste

Because of a special mutation in cat genes, their tongue cannot taste sweet, and these carnivore cats avoid sweet foods. Besides, cats also avoid foods that leave a spicy taste in their mouth.

11- Monkeys except a few can not see in colors

While ancient world monkeys had eyes that could distinguish colors just like humans, most modern monkeys see no color at all, that is, they see the world in black and white.

12. Extinction of about 33 different species due to cats

Nearly 33 different species were extinct, due to household cats and street cats living particularly close to people. These species generally include birds, rodents, and other small mammals.

According to statistics shared in 2013, approximately 1.4 to 3.7 billion birds are believed to have died from cat hunting for food.

13. My Fly Fly is The shortest living organism on Earth

The Mayo flies, known as "My Fly", only live for 24 hours. It mates after hatching and dies immediately after, thus being the shortest-lived organism on the face of the simple.

Topic conclusion

After reading these 13 facts about animals, it's hard not to feel a sense of wonder and appreciation for the incredible diversity of life on our planet.

  • From the smallest insects to the largest mammals, each species has its own unique characteristics and behaviors that make them fascinating to study and observe.
  • But beyond just being interesting, animals also play a crucial role in maintaining the delicate balance of our ecosystems. They help pollinate plants, control pests, and provide food for other animals. Without them, our world would be a very different place.
  • So as we continue to learn more about these amazing creatures, let's also remember to do our part in protecting them and their habitats.
Whether it's reducing our carbon footprint or supporting conservation efforts, every little bit helps ensure that future generations will be able to experience the same awe-inspiring beauty of the animal kingdom that we do today.

Source.  azure edge

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