6 of the Weirdest Sea Creatures Ever Discovered

We’ve all heard of dolphins, sharks and whales, but have you ever heard of the blobfish? Or what about the vampire squid? The ocean is a mysterious place full of strange and unusual creatures. Here are six weirdest sea creatures ever discovered.

1. Blobfish

The blobfish (Psychrolutes marcidus) is an unusual looking deep-sea fish that has recently become a popular internet sensation.

Native to the waters off of Australia and Tasmania, this strange creature lives at depths of up to 3,900 feet below sea level. Due to its unique appearance and mysterious nature, the blobfish has captured the attention of many people around the world.

So what makes this fish so special? For starters, it’s incredibly rare: only about 100 specimens have ever been found in their natural habitat! In addition, they are extremely slow swimmers – so slow in fact that they can barely move at all! This means that these creatures must rely on their environment for food sources instead of chasing after prey like other species do.

On top of its rarity and lackadaisical swimming style, perhaps one thing people find most fascinating about blobfish is their physical appearance; without any muscles or bones supporting them due to living under extreme pressure conditions underwater - these gelatinous blobs look almost comically out-of-place when compared with other aquatic life forms.

Despite being quite ugly by human standards however - we believe there's something endearing about them as well - which explains why you'll often see pictures or videos featuring them shared online today. 

All things considered though - it's important not forget how fragile our ocean ecosystems are; if we don't take care with how we interact with our planet then even more endangered species like the blobfish could be lost forever someday soon... With this in mind let us remember just how precious each organism truly is no matter where it may live & strive towards protecting all life on earth equally regardless if its cute or not.

2. Vampire Squid

Vampire squid are one of the most unique creatures in the ocean, and they have captivated scientists for centuries. This deep-sea cephalopod is a mysterious creature that has evolved to live in some of the darkest depths of our oceans. They are also known as Vampyroteuthis infernalis, which translates to “vampire squid from hell” due to their spooky appearance and nocturnal habits!

The vampire squid has an impressive array of adaptations that make it well suited for life at extreme depths. Its arms can be extended up to three times its body length, allowing it move easily through tight spaces while hunting prey or avoiding predators. The tips of its eight arms contain specialized suckers coated with sharp spikes used both offensively and defensively - when threatened by predators like sharks or eels this species will turn itself inside out exposing these spikes as a defensive mechanism!

Its eyesight is also remarkable; despite living thousands of feet below sea level where there is little light available vampire squids still possess large eyes capable seeing bioluminescent flashes from other organisms around them – making them one truly remarkable species! 

Despite being so well adapted for life at such great depths very little else about this elusive creature remains known today; even basic questions regarding diet preferences remain unanswered leaving much room open further study on these fascinating animals. We may never fully understand why they chose such dark habitats but we do know that vampires squids continue fascinate us with their strange beauty and extraordinary abilities – proving once again just how diverse our oceans really are.

3. Goblin Shark

This pinkish shark species was first discovered off Japan's coast back in 1898 but has since been spotted elsewhere including waters off South Africa's Cape Town area recently (2015). These sharks can grow over 10 feet long with slender snouts featuring protruding jaws filled with rows upon rows razor sharp teeth - making them look quite menacing indeed!.  

4 . Frilled Shark

A prehistoric looking species often referred to as “living fossils” due to resembling ancient shark species dating back 80 million years ago; these eel-like predators inhabit depths ranging from 650 – 3200 ft beneath oceanic surfaces throughout various parts worldwide including north east Atlantic Ocean & Mediterranean Sea areas amongst others. 


5 . Giant Isopod

Found mainly inhabiting deepwater trenches located across Pacific Ocean regions; these giant relatives belonging insect family known commonly ‘Isopods’ measure anywhere between 7–14 inches lengthwise when fully grown adults while juveniles tend be much smaller sizes typically reaching only 4–6 inches max size during early stages development before maturing adulthood later life cycles.

6 . Dumbo Octopus

Named after famous Disney character 'Dumbo' elephant due resemblance shape ears ; this octopus genus consisting 13 different known varieties resides primarily within dark abyssal plains situated very bottom seab.

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